Complete Projects raises money for UK Charity Access Sport


This weekend, four of Complete Projects leading PMs and Lawyers swapped their office wear for sports kits in order to raise money for the incredible charity Access Sport.

Access Sport is a national charity formed in 2004, founded on the belief that no one should be excluded from the transformational benefits of community sport, focussing on:

Daria and Keith

  • Physical and mental health and well-being

  • Personal development (including life skills/prospects)

  • Sense of belonging

  • Community engagement

The charity is reshaping inclusion in sport for young people across the country, striving to make inclusion the norm by tackling the access barriers faced by disadvantaged and disabled young people, tackling on the causes of exclusion—not just the symptoms.

They enable inclusivity within sport by training, equipping and supporting community clubs, organisations and volunteers to provide inclusive programmes, unleashing their potential to transform the lives of underserved young people in their local communities.

Mick and Vanessa

Daria, Vanessa, Keith and myself spent our Sunday mornings at Stratford’s Olympic Park in order to raise money for the charity, achieving great personal achievements with a debut 10k for Daria in (1h16m) and a strong come-back 10k for Keith (1h4m).
And in debut half-marathons, Vanessa got an amazing 1h56m while I staggered home in an age-creditable 2h7m!

Thanks to their great efforts of our fabulous runners and to all of the generous donations of our friends, colleagues and clients, Complete Projects raised nearly £1200 to enable more disabled and disadvantaged children and young people to access the benefits of sport.

Thank you to everyone who donated!



Mick is the PPPM Lead at Complete Projects which he founded in 2008; he is a proven leader with over 35 years of experience in Operations and PPPM, spanning social care, legal services, government, energy, manufactured goods and digital education. Mick also brings broader HR, IT, L&D people and team leadership from having senior management responsibility in diverse environments.